Groups and Activities

There is a wide range groups and regular activities at St Aidan's, and further details can be found for some Groups on other website pages using the links below.

Group or Activity



The Parochial Church Council is the body responsible with the Vicar for the church and its worship, including safeguarding.  Click on the link for more details.

Sunday School

Sunday School is part of our ministry to younger people. We meet each Sunday except for the first of the month which is our all age service. We explore stories about God and use activities to relate God's love to our lives and the wider world.

Prayer Team

Prayer is an important part of the ministry at St Aidan’s. The Prayer team prays regularly for the needs of the parish and for individuals. In church, candles may be lit in prayer and it is always possible to pray with members of the team. Click on the link for more details and to request prayer.

Ministry Team The Ministry Team has oversight of worship, pastoral care and all other aspects of ministry.


Come and Meet Others meet on the last Thursday of each month in the Church Hall at 2pm.  We particlularly welcome people who are new to the area or those who may be lonely or just in need of a chat. There is always tea, coffee and cake!

Aidan Ladies

Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (except August) at 2.00pm in the Powerhouse West Room. This group began life (way back when!) as a traditional Anglican women's fellowship group and women are especially encouraged to attend, but the various guest speakers and trips are open to men and women.


St Aidan’s has a long history of choral music, under the direction of organist and choirmaster David Sisterson. New members are very welcome as we would love to grow our choir. At present we meet to rehears on Monday mornings at 10.30. If evening rehearsals are required wo can happily accommodate this. Please speak to the Choirmaster or Vicar.

Craft Group

Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (except August) at 2.00pm in the Powerhouse West Room for a variety of ‘crafty activities’! This is a fun and relaxing group open to all. Why not join the 'craze' for craft?

Church Flowers

Flowers are arranged in church for much of the year with special focus on the Festivals and other celebrations. Additional helpers are always welcome. Donations can be made to support the provision of flowers, and we welcome donations in memory of loved ones.

Nursery Schools

St Aidan’s oversees the Nursery School at two locations – St Aidan’s Church Hall and the Christopher Centre. The nursery school is well subscribed and has an excellent reputation following a succession of good Ofsted reports. Please contact the Nursery Manager via the Who's Who section for more details.

Little Rainbows Playgroup

A Parent and Toddlers club that meets every Wednesday between 1 pm and 3 pm during the school term. There are lots of toys and fun activities for pre-schoolers and a friendly team of parents who are always pleased to meet new people.














Upcoming Events

Sunday 16th February
10:00am -
Wednesday 19th February
9:30am -
Sunday 23rd February
10:00am -

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