What's on

Our current pattern of services, and the content of our services is affected by Covid-19 restrictions. The table below sets out our normal pattern, and we will look at this again once churches can offer a fuller service program.

Currently, we hold a simple Holy Communion service on Sundays at 10am and Wednesdays at 9.30am. The service lasts about 40 minutes.

We cannot yet offer a Sunday School but hope to from September.

We also offer a service of Night Prayer on Facebook (St Aidan's Church Gravesend). This is broadcase live at 8pm on Sunday-Wednesday. After the broadcast, the video is avaliable to iew at any time. Night Prayer last about 20 minutes and is a chance to reflect on the day, offer prayers and thoughts to God, and prepare to enter a restful frame of mind at the end of the day.


Sunday Morning Services generally follow the pattern set out below, but please check the calendar for any variations.

Sunday in the month  Time Service
1st 10.00am All Age Worship with Holy Communion
2nd 10.00am Holy Communion (with Sunday School for 4-11's)
3rd 10.00am Holy Communion (with Sunday School for 4-11's)
4th 10.00am Holy Communion 
5th 10.00 Healing Eucharist











Wednesday Morning Worship:  9.30 am Holy Communion at St Aidan's.

Friday Mornings: 9.00 Morning Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer (Traditional Language)

For the times of other services please see the calendar.

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Sunday 30th March
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